The climate and the rediscovery of the Piceno

The Marche is one of the prettiest landscapes in Italy with a typically Mediterranean climate, mitigated by the sea and the mountains, with hot and dry summers and cold and rainy winters.

On the one hand, the Ascoli hills offer ideal conditions for growing vines and, on the other, enlightened, respectful farmers assist this environment.

The air that travels from the sea to the hills and back again, allow for healthy grapes that require a minimum of phytosanitary intervention.


Here are the optimal conditions for vines in the Piceno area, as evidenced throughout history.
Over time, the Piceni winemakers have enhanced the quality of the final product through the recovery of traditional vines, by opposing the values ​​of resistance, using memory for a guide and safeguarding the territory.

This cultural growth has also involved the Passerina grape being regenerated by Guido Cocci Grifoni in the company that bears his name – Tenuta Cocci Grifoni – in San Savino di Ripatransone.

His commitment to the study of native grape varieties, their development and cultivation, is the essence of the local enology.


But how to choose the best Passerina?
Beyond the philosophy of the winery, DOCG (Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita) and IGT (Indicazione Geografica Tipica) are the acronyms to look for on the label.

There are two regulations that govern the production of Passerina: DOCG Offida and Marche IGT.
The first defines a very specific, limited area of ​​cultivation and the second extends to the whole region.

Passerina Marche IG

When the grape production area includes the entire administrative territory of the five Marche provinces (Ancona, Ascoli Piceno, Fermo, Macerata and Pesaro-Urbino) this is the specification of IGT (Typical Geographical Indication).

The regulations insist that IGT Marche Passerina wines must ensure a total alcoholic strength equal to, or greater, than 9.5% by volume and not exceed 15% by volume.

Vitigno Passerina - IGT Offida - Tenuta Cocci Grifoni

Offida DOCG

The production of Passerina is protected by the Offida DOCG specification which includes these three official designations:

  • Offida Pecorino
  • Offida Passerina
  • Offida Rosso

The grapes destined for the production of Offida DOCG wines must be from vineyards in an area that includes the 25 municipalities in the provinces of Ascoli Piceno and Fermo.

It is an area that reaches from the Adriatic coast uphill to 650 meters above sea level. The different altitudes enhance the final products.

The municipalities that define this area are: Acquaviva Picena, Appignano del Tronto, Castel di Lama, Castorano, Castignano, Cossignano, Montefiore dell’Aso, Offida, Ripatransone. It also includes areas of the municipalities of Ascoli Piceno, Colli del Tronto, Campofilone, Carassai, Cupra Marittima, Grottammare, Montalto Marche, Massignano, Monsampolo del Tronto, Montedinove, Monteprandone, Pedaso, Petritoli, Rotella, San Benedetto del Tronto and Spinetoli.

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